Why GM Foods are so GOOOOOODDDD :D cose we love them?



  • The use of genetic technology improves our rudimentary way of breeding crops and animals to get our suited and desired effects.
  • There are strict legal requirements that control the development and production of GM Foods in Australia.
  • We are protected by The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator which protects the safety and health of people and the environment. They identify risks posed by or as a result of gene technology.
  • There is controversy that the antibiotics in GM foods' genes which have been used as markers can be transfered to bactirea but these antibiotics are not the type that is used in medicine.
  • The FSANZ carries out very thorough assesments of all food that is made from genetically modified organisms. They also examine whether the food would either have and additional toxins or allergens as a result of being genetically modified.